Staff Picks

Showing Gratitude One Bottle at a Time

Showing Gratitude One Bottle at a Time

Now more than ever, we want to pass the positivity forward to those doing everything they can to look out for others. As a liquor store, we turned to our friends at Okanagan Crush Pad in Summerland to help us best express our thanks, and pass it on to those who need it most. The result? Gratitude by JAK’s, a limited release consisting of three exemplary Okanagan wines: a 2018 Red, a 2019 Rose, and a 2019 Pinot Blanc.

Christmas: How Sweet It Is!

Christmas: How Sweet It Is!

No other time of year sends you into a sugar fest quite like Christmas. I grew up in a household of a baking, from shortbread to ginger snaps to fruitcake to mincemeat pies. Obviously not allowed to indulge in any wine and spirit pairings for these delectable treats back then, but there is nothing stopping me now! Follow me in merry measure for some of my favourite pairings to help you enjoy the sweet magic of the holiday season.

JAK'S 12 Days of Christmas

JAK'S 12 Days of Christmas

‘Tis the season where we’re all busy checking off our shopping lists, coordinating family calendars and planning the boatloads of social get-togethers!  At JAK’S Beer Wine Spirts, we’re trying to help all of our guests to ease the stress and hustle & bustle of the holiday season. So we’ve compiled a list of “must-haves” to share and sip over evening parties, share as a gift under the tree or simply enjoy yourself. 

Spooky Spirits

Spooky Spirits

Fall marks the end of summer with its breathtaking autumn colours that set the world on fire. The days are shorter and there’s a chill in the air that slices to the bone. Foggy mists settle in with the dark at eve leading us into this magical time of year abound with mystery, suspense and superstition, my favourite time - Halloween.

Check out some of our bone chillingly and delightfully terrifying selections!